Bundle Of Peglin cards

Ball LightningSpecialAttack0bundle_of_peglin:Orb Deal 1 damage 3 (5) times, this bundle_of_peglin:Orb ignores Block and Thorns. bundle_of_peglin:Crit: Deal damage an additional 3 (5) times.
BramballSpecialAttack3bundle_of_peglin:Orb Deal 6 (8) damage 3 (4) times, for each unblocked attack, the target ALWAYS loses 1 Strength. bundle_of_peglin:Crit: bundle_of_peglin:Stun all enemies and make them bundle_of_peglin:Explosive, then exhaust this card.
InfernorbSpecialAttack1bundle_of_peglin:Orb Lose 1 HP and deal (Deal) 5 (4) damage 3 (5) times. bundle_of_peglin:Crit: Remove all Block (ALL block) from the target, then deal 5 (4) damage 3 (5) times and deal 35 (50) thorns damage to all enemies.
MirrorbSpecialSkillbundle_of_peglin:Orb, Unplayable. When this card is drawn, replace this with another Rare card (and Uncommon card) in your deck, else (the Uncommon card is free this turn. For each missing,) add a Wound to your hand if there is no card (not if there is no card).
OrbeliskSpecialAttack3bundle_of_peglin:Orb, bundle_of_peglin:Stone. Deal 4 (5) damage 6 (7) times. bundle_of_peglin:Crit: Deal half (ALL) of this damage to ALL enemies (before dealing damage). This bundle_of_peglin:Orb 's base damage increases by 1 (2) for ALL bundle_of_peglin:Stone.
OrborosSpecialAttack1Retain, bundle_of_peglin:Orb Deal 4 (5) damage 6 (7) times then shuffle this card into your draw pile. bundle_of_peglin:Crit: Create a copy of this bundle_of_peglin:Orb with full charges. Exhaustive 4 (6).
OrebSpecialAttack2bundle_of_peglin:Orb, bundle_of_peglin:Stone, Ethereal. Deal 4 damage 6 (8) times. bundle_of_peglin:Crit: ??? This card counts as a Strike.
StoneSpecialAttack1bundle_of_peglin:Orb, bundle_of_peglin:Stone. Deal 4 damage 2 (3) times. bundle_of_peglin:Crit: Attack 2 (3) more times. This card counts as a Strike.
TerriballSpecialCurse0bundle_of_peglin:Orb Deal 2 (3) damage (!M! times), Exhaust. Its (still) terrible! This bundle_of_peglin:Orb cannot be removed from your deck and cannot bundle_of_peglin:Crit.

Bundle Of Peglin relics

Apple a DayDeprecatedUpon pickup, gain 15 Max HP.May or may not keep the cleric at bay.
Peglinero's PendantDeprecatedAt the start of your turn gain [E]. When you gain Block lose 2Gold.bundlecore:Quest - Eldergulinbundlecore:Destiny.bundlecore:Keybane - FameAndFortune.If only the wealth could be retained... cherish this potential to the last breath.
Basic BladeCommonIncrease your non-#yAttack damage by 2.A simple utility blade, its helpful!
CookieCommonHeal 4 HP after combat if you lost HP.It tastes nice, and the dark chocolate flavour lingers.
Gardener's GlovesCommonTake 80% less damage from Thorns type damage.Helps keep the brambles at bay.
Sand ArrowsCommonEvery 50 times you deal unblocked Attack damage, apply bundle_of_peglin:Stun to the last target hit. This effect ignores artifact.I like Sand Arrows. They are coarse and rough and irritating… and they hit everyone.
Suffer the SlingCommonAll Strike cards deal 1 more damage, all bundle_of_peglin:Stonebundle_of_peglin:Orb deal 1 more damage ontop of that. Obtain a Stone+ on pickup.Most people consider Stones to be useless orbs, but this sling can make them shine.
Alchemist's CookbookUncommonEvery 15 cards played, gain a bundle_of_peglin:Bomb+ that will detonate in 3 turns.Inside the book you find many exotic ways to destroy your enemies.
Enhanced GunpowderUncommonWhen you gain a bundle_of_peglin:Bomb, draw 2 cards. At the start of turn 4 gain a bundle_of_peglin:Bomb+.Can be good for moving large rocks, or large enemies!
Improved CatalystUncommonWhen you gain a Bomb, it deals 10 more damage. At the start of turn 5 gain a lit bundle_of_peglin:Bomb+.This genious substance makes simple explosives form a more powerful clay.
Spiral SlayerUncommonStart combat with 7TemporaryStrength.So fancy it struggles to get to the middle of things.
Super BootsUncommonWhen you enter a "?" room, heal 3 HP. When you enter a RestSite, heal 5 HP.Speedstrats not included.
AmbidextionaryRareAt the start of your turn draw 1 card and discard 1 card. Raise you maximum hand size by 1.Well isnt that handy?
Bomb BatonRareAt the start of combat, gain 3 Lit bundle_of_peglin:Bombs. They all deal 11 damage to all enemies and explode at the end of turns 2,3 and 4.Be careful when picking it up not to drop them at your feet!
Decoy OrbRareThe first time you shuffle your deck each combat, ALWAYS bundle_of_peglin:Stun ALL enemies and end your turn.If i am not taking a turn, then neither are you!
Eye Of The TurtleRareElite rooms contain 7 more cards to choose from.Slow and decisive, you will have plenty of time to consider new techniques.
Grabby HandRareWhen you deal unblocked attack damage, deal 10% + 1 of this damage to ALL enemies.Helps you reach high places and throw things straight.
Knife's EdgeRareWhile your health is at or below 40%, deal 50% more damage, All Orb cards will Crit.Small, sharp and exactly what you need in a pinch.
Pocket SandRareThe first enemy that strikes you each combat ALWAYS becomes bundle_of_peglin:Stunned.Pocket sand!
Rallying HeartRareAt the end of combat, heal 3 hp and 1 more for each bundle_of_peglin:Orb in your deck.The Orbs call out for their friends. Unite them.
RefillibusterRareWhen you shuffle your draw pile, a random enemy loses hp equal to the number of cards in your deck.Give it a swing!
Strange BrewRareWhen an enemy dies or your shuffle your deck, gain 3 temporary Strength and Dexterity.Smells like a tar milkshake
Tactical TreatRareWhen you shuffle your deck, draw 2 cards and discard 2 cards.Truly a tasty treat for anyone except your enemies!
Well Done SteakRareThe first time you shuffle your deck each combat, heal 9 HP."The label is quite misleading, isn't it?"- Ranwid.
Infernal IngotSpecialWhen you deal unblocked attack damage, heal1 HP.This confusing object absorbs the souls of creatures it touches, but you can take this essence back out of it later.
Shiny Special ButtonSpecialEvery 10th bundle_of_peglin:Orb you play gives 1bundle_of_peglin:Critical_Power.A button from a faraway land, it seems to have fused with some of the gold in the spire... It craves orbs to share its power with.
Toxic CakeSpecialUpon pickup, gain 5 Max HP and Upgrade all Skills in your deck. All future Skills will be Upgraded.Surprisingly not a lie. Packed with acidic flavours, it helps keep your skills sharp.
Weighted ChipSpecialWhen you play an Attack that deals damage, you have 3 outcomes: 40% - Deal 2x damage. 40% - Deal normal damage. 20% - Heal enemies for half of damage dealt.This chip is rigged, most of the weight is stored in one side, but should it land on the soft side it lets out a cursed aura.
Bad CheeseBossUpon pickup gain 3 Max HP. When you draw a card, deal 1 damage to ALL enemies. This value increases by 1 this combat when you shuffle your deck.The best kind of Cheese.
Complex ClawBossAt the start of your turn gain [E], but you can no longer gain bundle_of_peglin:Critical_Power. If you have no bundle_of_peglin:Orb#ys in your deck that can bundle_of_peglin:Crit, instead lose 1Strength each turn.This artisanal bladed weapon can help you to extract more from your existing techniques.
Consuming ChaliceBossYour attacks deal 5 more damage, but you draw 1 less card next turn each time you shuffle your draw pile.Drink from the chalice!?
Cursed MaskBossStart each combat Confused, your Attacks deal 6 more damage while you are Confused.Its hard to see out of, but you think it makes you stronger?
Dumb BellBossWhenever you shuffle your deck, gain 2Strength and Thorns.Dumbell would like you to think its the better bell because its shiny.
Echo ChamberBossAll of your Attacks deal 2 more damage. When you deal Attack damage, store 12.5% of that amount, which can round up (currently 0) and increase the damage of your next Attack by this amount.Its kinda echoey in here.
ElectropegnetBossAt the end of your turn, for each card left: Attack - Gain 3Vigor.Skill - Gain 2Block next turn. Power - Gain [E] and draw 1 card next turn. If there were 5 or more cards, gain 1 draw for the rest of combat.The magnet is very strong, it often gets stuck to other relics.
Fresh BandanaBossAt the start of your turn, shuffle your discard pile into your draw pile then draw 3 cards. bundle_of_peglin:Synergy:Refreshield - Draw 1 more card.Dont ask how the Bandana ended up in the punch bowl...
Gift That Keeps On GivingBossAt the start of your turn, lose [E] and all cards become bundle_of_peglin:Durable.It never stops, which is both a good thing and a bad thing.
Glorious SuffeRINGBossAt the start of combat, ALWAYS lose 4Strength and Dexterity. Gain 1Strength when you play an Attack or 1Dexterity when playing a Skill.Power cards give 1 of each.A little bad can do alot of good.
Haglin's SatchelBossUpon pickup, upgrade 6 random cards. Obtain 1 card and 1 colourless card.Probably stolen, but it contains a wealth of shiny items, so you are totally keeping it.
Kinetic MeteoriteBossWhenever you play 3 cards, draw a card.It still carries the energy it had when it crashed into the spire.
Matryoshka ShellBossYour Attacks deal half as much damage, rounded up. All Attacks are played one additional time.Inside the doll, you find another, but each layer is smaller than the last.
Molten MantleBossbundle_of_peglin:Rare. At the end of combat, lose all gold. Gain a smallbundle_of_peglin:buff at the start of combat for every 52 gold lost to this relic.Its like the opposite of midas touch, gold turns to ashes that can burn your foes.
Round GuardBossWhen you shuffle your deck, ALWAYS bundle_of_peglin:Stun ALL enemies. This effect then gains a cooldown of 5 turns.An old buckler that smells of mouldy cheese.
Salt ShakerBossWhen you draw a Slimed,Exhaust it and draw 2 cards. At the start of combat and upon playing a Power card, add a Slimed to your discard pile and draw pile.Meal not included.
Sapper SackBossMultiply all bundle_of_peglin:Bomb#ys by 2.25x. Upon pickup obtain TheBomb+ and Pain.Rigged! Its all rigged!
Sealed ConvictionBossYour Attacks deal 4 more damage, but you discard a random card after you shuffle your deck for the first time each combat.It seals away evil, but now its stuck to you!
Short FuseBossWhen you gain a bundle_of_peglin:bomb, instantly detonate it. At the start of your turn, gain a 11 damage bundle_of_peglin:bomb.Im gonna blow!
Wand of Skultimate PowerBossLose 4 hp for every 20 cards played. Your Attack damage and bundle_of_peglin:Bomb damage dealt is Doubled.UNLIMITED POWER!!! (To make tpyos).
RefreshieldShopRaise your maximum hand size by 1. At the start of your turn, shuffle your discard pile into your draw pile and draw 1 card. bundle_of_peglin:Synergy:FreshBandana - Draw 1 more card.Keeps things fresh during the heat of battle so you wont forget what you are doing.
Unpretentious PendantShopYour Attacks deal 3 more damage, but you can no longer bundle_of_peglin:Crit, if you have no bundle_of_peglin:Orb cards that can Crit, this bonus is reduced to 1.Theres no need to show off, after all.

Bundle Of Peglin keywords

BombBombs deal X damage to ALL enemies after ending Y turns then is removed.
Bomb+After the end of 3 turns, deal 50 damage to ALL enemies.
BuffRandomly gain: 1Strength,Dexterity,Metallicize,PlatedArmor,Thorns,Regen,Buffer,Intangible,Artifact or CriticalPower,DrawPower or TemporaryHP.
CritWhen this card is played with CriticalPower.
Critical PowerEnables Orb cards to Crit.
DurableWhen a Durable card is played, it returns to your hand and loses this modifier. Durable cards do not Exhaust or get Exhausted by Ethereal. Cannot be applied to Status cards.
ExplosiveWhen an enemy with this dies, they deal their max HP as damage to ALL enemies.
Multiword KeywordMake sure the first element in the NAMES is the same as your PROPER_NAME. The rest should use _ to replace spaces and be entirely lowercase. In card text, you'll use the underscore versions.
OrbOrb's are cards that when played will add charge towards CriticalPower. Some orbs can Crit.
RareSpawns less often than other Relics of its type.
StoneStones contribute to the Orbelisk and can be boosted by some relics.
StunThe enemy will skip its next turn
SynergyThis item has additional effects with other items.
This is displayed in the tooltip.This is displayed in the tooltip. Note, spaces are not allowed in NAMES. Also, they should be entirely lowercase. For multi-word keywords, see the next one.